We invite three types of submissions for AusDM’21:
- Research Track: Academic submissions reporting on new algorithms, novel approaches and research progress, with a paper length of between 8 and 15 pages in Springer CCIS style, as detailed below.
- Application Track: Submissions reporting on applications of data mining and machine learning and describing specific data mining implementations and experiences in the real world. Submissions in this category can be between 6 and 15 pages in Springer CCIS style, as detailed below.
- Industry Showcase Track: Submissions from governments and industry on an analytics solution that has raised profits, reduced costs and/or achieved other important policy and/or business outcomes can be made in this track. Submissions to this category should be a 1-page extended abstract. Note that this track is presentation only, without publication in conference proceedings. For publication of your papers, please submit them to the above Application Track.
All submissions, except for the Industry Showcase Track, will go through a double-blind review process, i.e. paper submissions must NOT include authors names or affiliations or acknowledgments referring to funding bodies. Self-citing references should also be removed from the submitted papers for the double-blinded reviewing purpose. The information can be added in the accepted final camera-ready submissions.

All submissions are required to follow the format specified for papers in the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) style. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use the proceeding templates, either in LaTeX or Word, for the preparation of their papers. The electronic submission must be in PDF only and made through the AusDM’21 Submission page. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all the authors of the paper, must complete and sign a Consent to Publish form, through which the copyright for their paper is transferred to Springer.
If the Springer’s authors’ guidelines or proceeding templates (LaTeX or Word) links are not opening on your browser, you can get them from here.
Submitted papers must not be previously published or accepted for publication anywhere. They must not be submitted to any other conference or journal during the review process of AusDM’21. You may also want to look at Springer’s Editorial Policies and Code of Conduct.